K1 Youth League, Mérida, Mexico

K1 Youth League, Mérida, Mexico

I secured the 5th place.
It is a bittersweet feeling, the medal was very close. I will stay more motivated and train even harder.
Thank you everyone who kept me in your thoughts.
Thank you to @ektsvaud_swisskarate for cheering me up during the tournament.
Thank you to my mom @giang_nguyen7480 for coming along with me to support my dream.
Thank you to @gonzalez_andrealucia @gereon_sport_coach @valentinogiuseppedi @quirici2020 for your possitive energy and unconditional support. 

Rheinland - Pfalz Open 2023 - Krokoyama Cup, Koblenz

Krokoyama Cup Koblenz
I am very satisfied with my performance today.
1st match: Chatanyara 4-1
2nd match: Kishimoto 5-0
3rd match: Paiku 5-0
Final: Papuren 23.0
I trained very hard the last couple months. It finally pays off. Thank you to Claudio for the advise you gave me. Thank you to @gonzalez_andrealucia for all the 1 on 1 trainings that we had. Danke @quirici2020 for mentally supporting me , it means alot to me.
Thank you to my everyone for cheering on the sidelines. I appreciate it very much.
EKF Cadet, Junior und U21 Championships 2023 in Larnaca (CYP)

This is my first European Championship. I am very proud of myself when i got chance to represent Switzerland in a such a big event at the of age 14. I performed two katas. In the first round i have some great moments and got 37.5 for Papuren. Chatanyara was my second kata. During the kata i felt my mind and my body was disconnected. And it was a recipe for disaster. I ended up with 36.5 and was not qualified for the third round.
Thank you everyone for your support. I appreciate so very much.Thank you national coaches Michelle Saner & Dragan for the preparation and for coaching me. Thank you my teammates from @swisskarate for cheering me up during the matches.
Thank you @gereon_sport_coach and @gonzalez_andrealucia for always standing by my side.
Thank you my family @oliritz @giang_nguyen7480 without whom I would not be able to travel and compete all over the world.
I will continue to work hard and make you all proud.

Austrian Champions Cup

I placed 1st today in Austrian Champions Cup.
1st Round Kishimoto 22.0
2nd round Papuren 22.8
3rd round Chatayara 22.6
I would like to thank everyone for your support. It means a lot to me. I appreciate your support and energy

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